Version May 2018

Reproduction rights

It is permitted to reproduce pages and documents published on the CREG website provided that you respect the integrity of the reproduced documents (i.e. no changes or distortions of any kind), clearly indicate the document source and date (or in the absence of these, the date of the update) and include a clearly legible link to the page(s) referenced (with indication of the Internet address of the website in the reference).

Intellectual property rights

The CREG reserves all intellectual property rights to the website, as well as to all information provided.


The CREG strives to ensure that the information on its website is as correct and up-to-date as possible. However, it shall not accept liability for any errors in this information.

Further, the CREG shall not accept any liability in the event that the website is unavailable, regardless of how long this situation lasts. Nevertheless, the CREG strives to ensure maximum and continuous availability for its website.

Creation of hyperlinks to the CREG website

It is permitted to create hyperlinks to the CREG website provided that you send a notification of this to the CREG via the online form and meet the following conditions:

  • Hyperlinks to a page of the CREG website must be set in an unambiguous manner. An indication that the hyperlink goes to the CREG website must appear before or in the link
  • Pages from the CREG website shall not be embedded in other pages
  • Links to the home page must use the address

Legal texts

Certain legal texts are available on the website. Because it is not possible to guarantee authentic reproduction of an officially approved text, we would like to note that only the texts published in the electronic version of the Belgian Bulletin of Acts (“Moniteur belge”) shall apply.

The CREG publishes these texts without making any claims with regard to their legality.